It’s Friday and there’s 17 new JS frameworks out there

It’s Friday and there’s 17 new JS frameworks out there

If you’re like me you’re tired of hearing that there’s a new JavaScript framework for client-side web development that’s better than everything that ever came before it.

It seems that once you have decided on a framework and think to yourself “Ok, it has some things I don’t like but I’m going with Angular”, or “React”, or “ZenPoopula”, or whatever, a newer framework is announced that looks promising. You bite your lip and vow not to look at it; you’ve already made up your mind (and perhaps secured the funding). You’re sticking to your choice!

Yet there’s a lingering voice deep inside your professional curiosity that calls to you and it won’t go away, and your head starts to hurt again.

Well, believe it or not I think that I may actually have found a framework (a technology is more accurate) that will finally quiet those inner voices: Blazor from Microsoft.

Blazor enables you to write your web application in C#, .Net Core, and Razor to glue it all together, and run it client-side in the browser on WebAssembly.

You read that right – Blazor takes your .Net Core project and builds the app, bundles its dependencies and the .Net runtime, which gets downloaded to the browser and runs on WebAssembly.

This is awesome if you’re a Microsoft developer that loves to code in C# on the .Net Core platform (like me).

Blazor comes in two models: Client-side and Server-side.

The Client-side model is what I just described and is what competes with Angular, React, etc.

The Server-side model uses SignalR to send client UI events back to the server for processing.

I think WebAssembly is the future of client-side web development. I mean, you can have your cake and eat it too, and all of the major browsers support it.

What started out as a proof-of-concept inside Microsoft, Blazor is now an officially released product.

I’m pretty confident my search is over. I’ve finally found the aspirin that cures my web development headache.

Check it out on Microsoft’s site: Blazor

Check out WebAssembly: WebAssembly .org

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